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Measurements of Cloud Raindrop Particles Using the Ground Optical Instruments and Small Doppler Radar at Daegwallyeong Mountain Site

S*ng-Nam Oh, Jae-WonJung
Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
Drop Size Distribution (DSD), Cloud Physics Observation System, raindrop size distribution, Micro-Rain Radar (MRR), PARSIVEL (PARticle SIze and VELocity)

Hydrometeor type and Drop Size Distribution (DSD) in cloud are the fundamental properties that may help explain the rain formation processes and determine the parameters of radar meteorology. This study presents a preliminary analysis of hydrometeor types and DSD data of cloud measured with a PARSIVEL (PARticle
SIze and VELocity) optical disdrometer at the site of Cloud Physics Observation System (CPOS, 37˚41′N, 128˚45′E, 843 m from sea level) in Daegwallyeong mountainside of Korea. The method has been validated by comparing the observed rainfall rates with the computed ones from the fitted distribution, using the physical
data such as DSD, terminal velocity, and rain intensity which were measured by a Micro-Rain Radar (MRR) and a PARSIVEL optical disdrometer. The analysis period started in three cases: on rainy days with light rain (15.5 mm), moderate rain (76 mm), and heavy rain (121 mm), from March to November 2007, respectively.

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